Wedding Speeches
Father Of The Bride
Best Man
Birthday Poem
Reunion Poem
Funeral Speeches
Masonic Speeches
Toast to the Worshipful Master
Response by the Worshipful Master
Ladies Evening
Jewish Speeches
Chairman of the Barmitzvah
Father of the Barmitzvah
Toast to the Barmitzvah
Barmitzvah Boy
Golf Speeches
Toast to the Captain
Response by the Captain
Civil Ceremony Speeches
Civil Ceremony


"Discovering Tracy on the internet proved to be a huge asset for my function. Her creative way of writing made even me think for one night only I was as witty as Stephen Fry! I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her, or indeed use her writing skills again in the future."

Simon of London's West End

"After months of careful planning for our civil ceremony, the only thing I had managed to avoid was the speech writing. I dreaded it. I needed some help so set about finding a writer. Tracy's was the first website I found, and having given her a telephone call there and then , and had a short chat about my requirements, I felt confident Tracy was the right person. If you are worried about the informality of exchaging emails, then do give her a call - i'm sure she won't mind me saying that. It is so much better to talk to a friendly voice to set your mind at rest!

Having given plenty of details to Tracy, I recieved a first draft within a couple of days. I have to say, it was excellent.

Every detail that you need to be there, but can't begin to organise into a well balanced speech, Tracy will do - and even down to the length of time."

Phil H, Battersea, London

"After I supplied Tracy with the information for my "Father of the Bride" speech she asked me if I would like it themed, I wasn't sure but agreed knowing if I didn't like it she would make the necessary changes.

What came back required no alterations whatsoever, not even by my wife! A true testament to Tracy's ability to create the perfect speech whatever the individual requirements are for each occasion. Go on treat youself and your guests, you won't be sorry."

Alec of Kent

"I was fortunate enough to stumble across Tracy several years ago and she wrote a speech for a function I was hosting.

I was so happy with the job she did I asked her to write all the speeches for my son's Barmitzvah. She did a fantastic job and I still regard her creations as the best speeches I have ever heard at a Barmitzvah, although I appreciate I could be considered biased.

Tracy certainly has a way with words, whether writing them or instructing you on how best to deliver them. If you are fortunate enough to be looking at her website with the intention of using a speechwriter for your function I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her, you won't be disappointed."

Mrs. S of Manchester

"Thanks so much for making my ideas for a speech turn into a great speech. Tracy was so helpful... in fact invaluable."

S of Cheshire

"The last thing I ever wanted to have to do was to stand up at a function and speak, but at my nephew's Barmitzvah there was no way out.

Tracy wrote the perfect short speech and helped me overcome any fears of delivering it, I know she could do the same for you.....whoever you are."

Jeremy Levy of Kingsley Lodge, Wilmslow

"Your input was so helpful and will always keep you in mind for any other occasions. Thanks."

J of Manchester

"I thought learning my Barmitzvah piece was a big enough thing but then I remembered I had to be just as good at my speech at my do! Although I had never met Tracy before she soon filled me with confidence and she wrote a very funny speech for me as well, I don't know what my mum would have done without her!"

Michael Stratton of Hale Barnes

"I could not have written a speech in the class of the one that Tracy wrote for me, luckily she lives nearby so she was also able to instruct me and give me the confidence which I needed to present my speech well.

It was also fun working with Tracy. I would recommend her to anyone, of any age."

Sophie Jacobson, Whitefield. Manchester.

"Tracy took a lot of pressure off me by coming up with a great Best Man's speech in just a few days. I would highly recommend her..."

Martin of Cheshire.

"Despite having no shortage of confidence when it comes to presenting myself in a work environment when it came to writing my speech as Lady Captain well that was a different ball game.

Tracy rescued me and I felt like it was taking my favourite club out of the bag and letting her do all the work which she did, like a true professional."

Lady Captain from Dubai.

"When it was the turn of my youngest sons' Barmitzvah I decided to treat myself and let Tracy write a speech for me. That turned out to be a wise decision.

Tracy wrote an ideal speech which I had no problem delivering and judging by their reaction our guests had no problem enjoying. All I can say is I am sure she would take the strain out of the preparations for your son's big day, go on spoil yourself."

Vidal. Kosher Butcher. Prestwich. Manchester.

"With my step mother's 90th Birthday 24 hours away perhaps I should have thought about marking the occasion a little sooner, luckily I discovered Tracy on the internet and after a lengthy conversation, not too mention a detailed email she produced the perfect poem which proved the ideal entertainment for all the guests.

If that's what she could do in 24 hours with a little more notice who knows what she could write for you."

John of South Yorkshire

"When my husband became Worshipful Master it was always my intention to speak at his Ladies evening, however when it came to it I didn't know what or how to say it.

One conversation with Tracy and my mind was at ease, I knew she would do me proud, but little did I know what an amazing talent she had for hitting the mark.

Tracy's poem earned me a standing ovation and not a dry eye in the place. I will never forget her professionalism and how simple it all became once I put the task in her capable hands. I am sure she could do the same for you..."

Pam of Cambridge.

"Having met Tracy socially she seemed just the type of person to write a speech for my husband and I as we had been invited to be joint chairmen at our best friends' daughter's wedding. It was a good decision, although we made several changes and additions Tracy took this commission in her stride, despite the shortage of time. We wouldn't hesitate to recommend her to anyone."

Mrs B of Lancashire.

"My husband nominated me to make a speech so I started trawling the web and came across Tracy's site, what a joy. I made contact, told her my tale of woe and with the little info I had this talented lady did the rest. She is now at the top of my "favourites" I would recommend her to help with any speech, she's the best."

Elleina C.

"Tracy responded to the task of writing my Installation speech with equal amounts of humour and facts, which went down well with my fellow brethren. I will be commissioning her to write all my speeches during my term in office, and I recommend you do the same."

Peter of London.

"To say I'd nearly written off the idea of getting married because I didn't want to write/make a speech is not an understatement, so when Tracy was recommended to me I did what I do best, I delegated her the job!

Sadly Tracy couldn't deliver the speech for me, but she did give me the confidence to think that for 15 minutes I could master the microphone.

I am not planning on getting married again, but should I ever need to write another speech there will be only one person for the job - Tracy!"

Andrew Radiven -

"It would never have occurred to me to use a speechwriter - until someone suggested Tracy. Somehow what I wanted to say sounded so much better when it was written in her own inimitable style. Should another occasion arise in the future where I need a speech I shan't hesitate to contact Tracy."

Arron - Manchester


These testimonials are genuine, however I have respected those people who were kind enough to contribute to this page but who wished that their identity be kept confidential. I assure all future clients that their business will be kept private if this is requested.

Whether you require my bespoke service from the conception of your speech or just to help put the finishing touches to it, I will give you a fair quote....Contact me now!....there's no time to waste to write your speech or poem.


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